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Namib Desert


This unusual trip through northern Namibia combines the world-famous Etosha Park with more off-the-beaten track destinations, exploring some of Namibia's hidden gems. Highlights on this scenic Northern Namibia Safari Adventure include: Close encounters with Africa's big cats, especially cheetahs Game viewing in the wildlife-rich Etosha National Park A cultural experience with the traditional Himba in Kunene Untamed Damaraland and Twyfelfontein's ancient rock art The Skeleton Coast, Cape Cross Seals and Swakopmund Discover the unique landscapes, wildlife and cultures of Namibia on this affordable camping safari, starting and ending in Windhoek.


Windhoek to Okonjima/Africat - Namibia

This Northern Namibia Safari Adventure kicks off with collection between 8:30 and 9:00am in Windhoek, Namibia's capital city. Departing from Windhoek we drive north towards our first stop - Okonjima. Along the way we stop in at the biggest wood carving market in Namibia, located in Okahandja (time allowing). This lively market, run by the local people, is a great place to shop for authentic Namibian arts and crafts. We travel on via the farming area of northern Namibia, arriving at Okonjima mid-afternoon. Here we set up our camp for the night and rest after our drive from Windhoek. Then it's time for our included afternoon tour of the Africat Foundation at Okonjima. The Africat Foundation is a wildlife conservation organisation focussed on protecting the big cats of Africa, especially cheetahs. The centre takes care of rescued wildlife, taking in animals that have been injured, orphaned and snared, with the aim of returning them to their natural habitats. On our tour of the Africat Foundation you get up close to the resident cheetahs that are being rehabilitated for release into the wild. We return to camp after our close encounters with Africa's big cats and enjoy dinner under starry African skies. Meals: Lunch & Dinner Accommodation: Camping Travel: 300km.

Okonjima/Africat to Namutoni in East Etosha

Today we get going early in the morning, continuing our journey north through Namibia. We pause in little towns along the way to stretch our legs and stock up on supplies. Our next destination is Namutoni, the eastern part of world-renowned Etosha National Park. We set up camp, take a rest and have lunch at Namutoni. Later in the afternoon we embark on our first exciting game drive in Etosha Park, heading into the bush as the heat subsides and the wildlife becomes more active. Etosha is ideal for spotting game as the animals congregate at watering holes scattered across this relatively arid national park. The sparse vegetation also makes spotting game easier than in more lush reserves. The flat Etosha Pan dominates this unique game park, stretching out endlessly under wide-open skies. Here animals can be seen roaming amid the heat mirages that rise up from the sun-bleached land. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Accommodation: Camping Travel: 300km.

East Etosha to Okaukuejo in Etosha National Park

We venture into the bush bright and early, before the heat of the day sets in and while the animals are still out and about. The whole of day three is spent exploring the wilderness of Etosha Park in search of wildlife and birds. We drive via watering holes that attract animals and birds, improving our chances of sighting an array of species. Our game drive takes us into the centre of Etosha Park towards Halali Camp. Along the way we get to admire spectacular views out over the vast Etosha Salt Pan, while spotting the different wildlife found in this central part of Etosha. During the hottest part of the day we stop at Halali Camp and take it easy, having lunch in the shade. You can visit the watering hole at Halali, unwind at the bar and take a refreshing dip in the pool. After our lunch break we head into the bush again, taking a game drive to Okaukuejo to the south. This is the oldest rest camp in Etosha National Park and our next overnight stop. Okaukuejo serves as the central hub of administration in Etosha and is home to the Etosha Ecological Institute. Okaukuejo's claim to fame is however its floodlit watering hole, renowned for its superb game spotting opportunities. After dinner you are free to walk to this centrally located waterhole to watch the animals that come down to drink under the floodlights. This is a great place to sit back and watch the drama of the bush come to life as the animals interact with each other. Frequently sighted wildlife includes lion, black rhino, tall elephants and a variety of antelope species. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Accommodation: Camping.

Okaukuejo to Grootberg

Long days drive to northern Rwanda and to the foothills of the volcanoes that make up “ Volcanoes National Park”. You have the choice of staying at the moderately priced “Gorillas nest” or the “Virunga Lodge” which is a high quality eco lodge with magnificent views over both the volcanoes and Lake Burera and Ruhondo. Overnight Mountain Gorillas View Lodge or Virunga Lodge or Sabinyo Silverback lodge full board

Grootberg to Twyfelfontein

On day five we continue our drive southwest towards the coast of Namibia, travelling into the arid Damaraland Region of Namibia. The Damaraland and Kaololand areas are home to Namibia's desert elephants that have adapted to the harsh local environment over time. This is a sparsely populated region of wild and rugged open spaces, offering dramatic and captivating scenery. We drive over the Grootberg Pass to Twyfelfontein, known for hosting one of Africa's highest concentrations of rock engravings. Twyfelfontein was the first UNESCO World Heritage Site to be declared in Namibia, due to the ancient rock art found here. Stone-age tribes are said to have created most of the older engravings and paintings several thousands of years ago. The San (Bushmen) are also said to have made some of the rock art a few thousands years ago. We take a brief guided tour of the rock art sites before setting up camp in the Huab Valley, where we sleep under a blanket of countless stars. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Accommodation: Camping Travel: 190km.

Twyfelfontein to Swakopmund via Skeleton Coast

Today we get a good look at the Brandberg Mountain, Namibia’s highest mountain - at 2573 metres above sea level, as we drive out of Damaraland. Leaving the untamed grasslands and granite hills of the scenic Damaraland behind, we journey further west into the northern reaches of the Namib Desert. En route we visit Uis, a small mining village known for its excellent collection of Namibia's famous semi-precious stones. We then travel through the gravel flats that stretch towards the stark Skeleton Coast, famed for its numerous shipwrecks. From here our drive takes us north along the coast of the icy Atlantic Ocean, via Henties Bay. We visit Cape Cross to see the massive seal colony found on the rocky shores, before turning south again. The Cape Fur Seal population can number up to 100 000 at times - quite a sight and smell to take in. Next up is the coastal resort town of Swakopmund, Namibia's top beach holiday destination. Before reaching Swakopmund your guide takes you through some of the adventure activity options, booking activities for you in advance (optional). Arriving in Swakopmund there is usually some time to wonder around this charming town before the sun sets. This evening you are free to enjoy some of the local nightlife and eat out in town (own expense). Your tour guide can arrange for your group to have dinner at one of the great restaurant in Swakopmund, known for its delicious fresh seafood. Meals: Breakfast & Lunch Accommodation: Guest house Travel: 420km.

Swakopmund to Windhoek

On the final day of our Northern Namibia Safari Adventure we leave Swakopmund after lunch, returning to Windhoek in the middle of Namibia. In the morning you have time to explore the charming town of Swakopmund and take in some of the sights or try some adventure activities. Stroll along the beach, visit the museum and national aquarium, or browse the local shops, relax at a cafe and visit the colourful curio market. There are also plenty of adventure activities to choose from, including scenic flights over the desert in either a microlight or a small plane. Other activities include skydiving, fishing trips, quad biking or sand boarding in the dunes, surfing, bird watching and more. A four and a half hour drive brings us back to Windhoek, where this Northern Namibia Safari Adventure ends. Arriving in the city you are dropped off at your post-tour accommodation. Meals: Breakfast & Lunch Travel: 350km.

Included in the package


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